Monday 5 November 2012

Monday Musings for the Mind

Everyone utilises some sort of technology in their daily lives, the moment they uncover that blanket and crawl out of bed. We use the alarm to help us wake up. We turn on the water heater to have a nice bath. The toaster helps us with the toast, the car or LRT transports us to our workplace and so forth. That’s all perfectly acceptable and part of a routine which most people go through.
But what shouldn’t be acceptable is how a new ‘breed’ of tech is threatening to dehumanise us. Yes, I’m talking about the influx of mobile technology which seem to be invading our existence, regardless of whether we’re young or old. It’s a common sight nowadays, as observed through these two scenarios:
How many times have we sat down for lunch with our friends and noticed a rather odd phenomenon taking place at the table nearby. There's a group of people either having or waiting for their meals, but they're all silent. Why? Because everyone is busy looking at their smartphones, and totally ignoring the people seated with them. Just as you're about to say something, you realise two of your friends are doing the exact same thing. Wait just a sec, so what's the intention of you having lunch together?
We all have that few select friends on Facebook who insist on sharing every single detail of their lives, so everyone can keep up to date with whatever it is they're doing. There are certain subjects which are used to entice discussion and opinion which is fine, for example the latest dish you sampled, that movie you just watched or a book you read. But posts which narrate the latest argument you had with your spouse, openly criticise a colleague complete with their name, picture, and IC number, as well as pictures which reveal intimate details about your married life should be off-limits. Whatever happened to the sanctity of our private life?
At some point or another we may have been guilty of this. So when you're having lunch with your friends later, minimise the time you spend on your phone. Talk with your buddies in front of you. Have a conversation and get everyone involved. Burdened by a personal problem? Keep it personal. Confide in your trusted family members or friends who you trust and love. Speak to them. They have your best interests in mind and will advise you accordingly. Don't mistake online 'comments' for actual concern, as some people simply have more free time than others, it doesn't necessarily mean they care.
Let' slowly erase this habit of being over-reliant on technology, and be more dependent on the human touch of our families and close friends. Because it's their shoulders you're going to cry on when things go wrong, not your PC or smartphone.

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity
Albert Einstein

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