Tuesday 14 May 2013

Musings For The Mind

Take a stroll around the streets of KL these days and you'll know notice something quite peculiar. They're much more colourful. Why? Because there seems to be an abundance of flags strung up about in various places. Close your eyes and walk around for about 15 metres, you're bound to run into one these strategically placed party insignias.
So each flag is armed with their different agendas and 'manifestos' if you will. Naturally humans are different, and disagreements are all part and parcel of life. But what's unacceptable is when you hold a different opinion to your so called 'rivals,' and go overboard in terms of your support.
It's a sad scenario when you see people from all quarters publically resorting to personal attacks, and it always seems to be a case of who can dig up the most dirt on their opponents. Why can't we keep things on a rational and intellectual level? Is this the kind of message we'd like to send to future generations? The principle that if you're contesting anything, it's acceptable to do absolutely everything to win?
Yes, winning is important. But let's not indulge in any soul-blackening smear campaigns because in the end everyone's human, and we definitely wouldn’t want anyone airing our dirty laundry in public. I truly believe we’re all intelligent and reasonable enough to take a much more dignified route, without resorting to ‘dirty tactics’ when we pursue any of our goals.
Last I checked, among the hallmarks of a Malaysian citizen were; gentle, polite, gracious and patient.  Let’s keep it that way.

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