Monday 1 October 2012

SoCial MeDia AddiCted !!!

" I'm pretty attached, but not addicted", that was my response when one of my friends chanted on me that i'm a Facebook / Twitter addict. I admit i kinda have this social media passion or something, but i believe i am pretty attached, not addicted.

For that reason , i took a quiz called "Social Media Addition Quiz" hosted by (hahaha). I honestly answered the 14 questions they have and whoa, the result was:


I couldn't believe it! So in response to the quiz result, i searched around the web for information about social media addiction, Facebook addiction, and Twitter addition. I found out a lot of results about it and i was happy thinking i am not alone in this "addiction" thingy.

Upon surfing the internet about this condition, my attention was caught by a very informative infographic from Flowtown, so i registered to the site and get used of their services. Now, look at the graphic and see it for yourself, are you addicted to social media?

Source; Flowtown

I am kind of person who will not be contented with just one limited information, so i explored for more and the found these two researches/studies on social media addiction.

A study from Retrevo Gadgetology suggests that more people are becoming obsessed with their online social circles. These are the stats from the survey:

  • 48% of people check/update Facebook and/or Twitter after they go to bed.
  • 55% of people over 25 have to check in on Facebook at least once a day.
  • 49% of people under 25 years old can be interrupted by an electronic message during a meal. (27% for people over 25 years of age) 

So there you have it. So, what do you think now? Oh c'mon i guess as what life is all about, this condition comes down to be our choice, we choose it and we make it. In my humble opinion, whether this addiction (social media addiction) is an existent condition or not, i believe people appear to feel being attached into it.

There's nothing wrong really to choose to live life persistently connected to social media, what really matters is that how you gonna make sense in that world urging people to make a difference in the lives. :-)


Has this ever happen to you....hahaaha....Honestly, that happened few times to me... and 'I is annoyed' too. and yup, most people would have more than one social network and im proud to say that i only stick to one and it is for particular reason too.. i guess im not most people..ngehehehehe.....

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